館内には立礼 (りゅうれい)茶席を設けております
About the Ryurei Tea Ceremony Room
You can casually enjoy matcha green tea and seasonal sweets. You can also admire the tea implements up close.
*We do not perform otemae (a performance of preparing and presenting the tea) in front of you.
お茶券/ Tea Ticket : 1000円
時 間/ Hours : 10:00−16:00
*We close early if we run out of sweets.
※ 5名様以上でご利用の場合はご予約をおねがいします。
*Please make a reservation if you are a party of 5 or more.
Remove any accessories you are wearing, such as rings and bracelets.
・Please take a seat, calm yourself and be relaxed.
・Have the sweets first, then we serve you a bowl of tea.
・Please enjoy your tea! Also "appreciate" the serving tea bowl
and other chanoyu implements in the room.