2025年 春季特別展
前期:3月8日(土) ~4月20日(日)
※ 4月21日 (月)~25日(金)は展示替のため休館
その後二十四世・観世左近 (1895-1939) と知り合い、次第に能楽にのめり込んでいきました。
能装束は、大正5年の西本願寺の売立で豊臣秀吉が所持したと伝わる 「黒船段織厚板」 を、
(重文)千鳥蒔絵面箱(3/8~3/30期間限定展示)・要石悪尉・小面・孫次郎・(重美)龍女・般若・黒船 段織厚板・白地梅垣蒲公英雪輪紋縫箔・能管 銘 龍丸・胴箔地蔦紋鬘帯・桜花桐鳳凰神扇・古染付鯉耳付花入 銘 高砂・古染付桜川水指・薩摩肩衝茶入 銘 忠度・高麗青磁茶碗 銘 鶴亀 など
(重文)千鳥蒔絵面箱(3/8~3/30期間限定展示)・要石悪尉・小面・孫次郎・(重美)龍女・般若・黒船 段織厚板・白地梅垣蒲公英雪輪紋縫箔・能管 銘 龍丸・胴箔地蔦紋鬘帯・桜花桐鳳凰神扇・古染付鯉耳付花入 銘 高砂・古染付桜川水指・薩摩肩衝茶入 銘 忠度・高麗青磁茶碗 銘 鶴亀 など
(重美)早苗尉・近江満昌作 小尉・伝小牛作 真角・千種怪士・伝赤鶴作 小獅子・若女・曲女・出目洞 白満喬作 老女・紅白段金市松御所車夕顔紋唐織・紫地熨斗秋草紋長絹・神坂雪佳作笹水と松梅扇・芙蓉蒔絵 太鼓胴 樂道入作黒茶碗 銘 夕霧・千宗旦共筒茶杓 銘 道成寺・江岑宗左共筒茶杓 銘 千歳・芦屋真形竹 生島地文釜 など
2025 Spring Special Exhibition〜
2025 Spring Special Exhibition
Noh Masks and Costumes in the Nomura Art Museum Collection
Part 1: Saturday, March 8 - Sunday, April 20
Part 2: Saturday, April 26 - Sunday, June 8
Part 2: Saturday, April 26 - Sunday, June 8
*The museum will be temporarily closed from Monday, April 21 to Friday, April 25
due to the exhibition change period.
*All exhibits on display during Part 1 will be changed for Part 2.
*All exhibits on display during Part 1 will be changed for Part 2.
The Nomura Art Museum’s collection of Noh masks and costumes was acquired by the founder of the Nomura financial group, Nomura Tokushichi (1878-1945) — known in the arts world as “Tokuan”. He developed a deep appreciation for Noh theater, particularly during the last decade of his life, and purchased many of these items with the intention of personally using them.
Tokuan began lessons in utai (Noh chanting) around 1913, in his late thirties. At the time, his focus was divided between his demanding business ventures and his continued passion for the tea ceremony, so his initial engagement with Noh appears to have been modest. Tokuan’s encounter with Kanze Sakon (1895–1939), a prominent figure in the world of Noh theater, apparently sparked a change that gradually led to Noh standing alongside the tea ceremony in terms of significance to him, both having a profound influence on his character and life.
Tokuan’s contributions to Noh went beyond direct and indirect support for Noh theater and beyond his personal enthusiasm for performance. Concerned that the whereabouts of valuable Noh masks might be forever lost during the financially strained times of World War II, he actively worked to purchase or otherwise preserve these cultural treasures. Historical records suggest that his mask collection once contained as many as 200 pieces. Many were eventually returned to their original owners during Tokuan’s lifetime, and some were lost in the 1945 air raids that destroyed his Kobe residence, leaving today’s Nomura Art Museum with approximately 50 Noh masks.
Most of the masks in our current collection originate from the Kanze family (one of the most prominent and influential lineages in Noh theater), from whom they were acquired in 1939, and from the Tokugawa family of Mito (a Tokugawa lineage that supported the shogunate and remained an influential part of Japan’s aristocracy through the mid 20th century), from whom they were purchased in 1918. Tokuan’s collection of Noh costumes began with the purchase (from Kyoto’s Nishi Honganji Temple in 1916) of a legendary piece known as the Kurofune Danori Atsuita, said to have once belonged to 16th-century shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi. This led to Tokuan’s further acquisition of costumes from the Tokugawa family and the Date family (also descendants of a powerful samurai clan). The majority of his collection, however, can be traced to a 1936 sale by the Maeda family (also descending from an influential samurai clan) of Kaga. Not content to merely collect, Tokuan employed these masks and costumes in his own Noh performances, earning recognition for both his artistic passion and the cultural value of his collection.
This exhibition highlights the Noh masks and costumes that Tokuan collected and personally performed in, complemented by tea utensils related to the world of Noh. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into a unique confluence of art, culture, and personal dedication.
Hours: 10:00-16:30 (admission until 16:00)
Closed: Mondays (Exception: Open Monday, May 5 and Tuesday, May 6.
Closed: Mondays (Exception: Open Monday, May 5 and Tuesday, May 6.
Closed Wednesday, May 7)
Admissions: 1000 yen for adults, 300 yen for students,
Admissions: 1000 yen for adults, 300 yen for students,
free admission for junior high school students and younger
*Please be aware that exhibits may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Thank you for your understanding.
*Please be aware that exhibits may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Thank you for your understanding.